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formula t10 and prolixin “There was a lot of criticism about these boats,” Ellison told reporters on Thursday. “I thought that rather than me personally responding, it would be up to the guys ultimately to show what these boats are like on the water. Let the regatta get started and let the people judge.”
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Though he must know he’s one of the most successful comedians Britain has produced — £12.9 million earned in 2011, with 733,000 tickets and 911,000 DVDs sold — that knowledge is kept at one modest, self-effacing remove, not flaunted. “Fank you, fank you so much,” he says, with disarming readiness, as we take our seats in a cramped dressing-room. It turns out that, flushed after gamely pranking about for the camera in a north London photographer’s studio, he’s remembering an earlier photo shoot for the Telegraph at a time when he was just being discovered. He’s abidingly grateful for all the faith the paper showed in him. A framed copy of the front cover of the magazine, bearing his picture and the words “a journey”, hangs on a wall at his home in Billericay. “I’m really proud of that,” he says. “I’ve always felt indebted. That was a time when me and the missus had nothing, so it meant a great deal.”
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